• Brighton MI


Education Systems

Keytracing offers time effective ways to track assets in our education system. 

Education has evolved a lot over the years. 

Classrooms can now include laptops, tablets, and Chromebook as part of the new learning environment. 

This is a great new opportunity for the educational space, but it also brings to question: 

How does the school keep track of all the new assets? 

Keytracing offers asset tracking solutions that can help educational institutes control budgets, spend less time on reports, audits and purchasing technology when necessary. 

Keytracing has developed software that can help the schools track vital information. 

This information could be asset location- computers, tablets, and so much more. Schools may also find it helpful to be able to track maintenance, cost of equipment services. 

Keytracing offers a system where you no longer need a paperwork trail to track documents, records throughout the school. 

With a centrally located server keytracing makes tracking easy and time effective